Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Day 3 - in the air!

A 46.6km task Via 1 turn point, and back to the camp ground in Manilla. It was a late start as it was very cloudy to begin with a very average forecast. Most of us did our up most to bring on the good weather by staying up late drinking wine!!

We briefed on the hill at 13.30 and the window opened at 13.50 with a lapsed time to goal with no departure, lead out, or arrival points. With an end of speed section 1km from goal.

Cloud base was low at 1600m with many getting unnecessary cloud suck. It was also raining due to over-development at this time about 6km north of launch. The field was split into two with the first major gaggle starting around 15.30. The other gaggle remained over launch for a better start time and an advantage of having many markers on the course. However it seems that conditions got worse for them and most didn’t make it into goal. There was a gaggle of 50 at least heading to the first TP, still 35km from goal while Middy and I were on final to goal!! – well half of Middy… he crossed the line only just able to keep the wing flying in a straight line with a big cravat, after suffering a collapse on full bar!!!

Thomas crossed the visual goal line first. But the lapse time results will come out later tonight!!! The teams buzzing, it’s great to have all three kiwis in goal, and with good times we think too!!!



Anonymous said...

great work on T1 and thanks for updating the blog.
looks like some of the top pilots left it to late. will make for some interesting catchup racings.

Anonymous said...

Well done, guys. Great start!

John (& Eva & Reuben et al)