Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Day 3 results

Middy came in at 24th
Harmo was 32nd
Thomas, despite being the second into goal, was placed 45th....

Kiwis flying for the Ozzies: Viv Williams came in at 25th and Craig Collings was 29th

Full results

The Swiss team took a late start and didn't make it around before last task time (6:30) and are in 15th. For the team scores, the best three pilots from the team count, The top teams have seven members, the Kiwi's with three members must all score well each day (hardly a level playing field).

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Day 3 - in the air!

A 46.6km task Via 1 turn point, and back to the camp ground in Manilla. It was a late start as it was very cloudy to begin with a very average forecast. Most of us did our up most to bring on the good weather by staying up late drinking wine!!

We briefed on the hill at 13.30 and the window opened at 13.50 with a lapsed time to goal with no departure, lead out, or arrival points. With an end of speed section 1km from goal.

Cloud base was low at 1600m with many getting unnecessary cloud suck. It was also raining due to over-development at this time about 6km north of launch. The field was split into two with the first major gaggle starting around 15.30. The other gaggle remained over launch for a better start time and an advantage of having many markers on the course. However it seems that conditions got worse for them and most didn’t make it into goal. There was a gaggle of 50 at least heading to the first TP, still 35km from goal while Middy and I were on final to goal!! – well half of Middy… he crossed the line only just able to keep the wing flying in a straight line with a big cravat, after suffering a collapse on full bar!!!

Thomas crossed the visual goal line first. But the lapse time results will come out later tonight!!! The teams buzzing, it’s great to have all three kiwis in goal, and with good times we think too!!!


Monday, 26 February 2007

Day 2 cancelled....

Rain, Rain, RAIn, RAIN, raIn, raiN, RaiN, rAIn, & RaIn!!!!!!!!!!!

Rain and CuNims cause Day 2 to be canceled..... Lots of rain overnight. The Kiwis must be in town!

Sunday, 25 February 2007

1st day cancelled....

The team is all assembled in Manilla. The flying prior to the first task was epic. Thomas flew 130km to Wee Waa (on Wednesday 21st) and had to spend the night there as he had no retrieve. He was in such a hurry to get away that he forgot to put on sunscreen. He is now undergoing metamorphosis.

Harmo & Middy arrived late Thursday: both had good days flying the 42km triangle task set on the 2nd practice day. Thomas & Middy both had short flights on Saturday (rest day), Harmo was changing lines. Middy was still trying to get to grips with the new Boomerang 5 after only receiving it the day before (final trimming).

The street parade and opening ceremony commenced at 4:30pm under a perfect sky in 35deg+ scorching heat! (More BEER!!) The opening ceremony was preceded a spectacular air show culminating in a very noisy F18 display followed by fireworks & a Gold Guitar winning singer.

The first task day dawned to a beautifully clear promising sky. A short task of 48.8km was set. Five minutes before the window opened the task and day were canceled. This decision turned out to be a very good one. The conditions were changing very rapidly and within 30min were obviously not suitable for a task. As per normal if you need a drought breaker plan a paragliding competition as it pissed down later that afternoon.

Middy, Harmo, & Thomas

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Thomas flies 150km!

Thomas flew 150 on Wednesday - a fairly impressive practice flight!
Middy is flying on a new Boomer 5

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Paragliders in thermal

Paragliders flying in a thermal above Mt Borah, where the competition is being held. (Click on photo for a larger version) Photo: Kris Ericksen

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Bright, Victoria

Middy and Harmo are now competing at the Bright 321 Comp in Victoria as part of the build-up to the Worlds in Manilla. They are joined by eight other Kiwis. Results from the first day.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Killarney, Queenland

Middy and Harmo competed in the Killarney Classic, but thunderstorms resulted in only two days being taskable.... Results